The collect-code Vision

Collect Coder
7 min readJul 12, 2021


Euclid teaching his students in a detail from Rafael's The School of Athens, 1511

What is collect-code?

Inspired by nature's own codes of Mathematics, Geometry and Colour, collect-code is an intersection of art and technology.

Presented as Generative NFT collections, the artwork emerges from the source code of our Ethereum Smart Contracts.

Collections of Codes.

Codes to collect.

Spanning 2021 and 2022, the project is divided into multiple phases…


Dedicated article: The CHOMA Manifesto.

From the greek χρώμα (chróma)

  1. colour
  2. paint
  3. complexion

There is no better way to name this collection, that brings the purest, most vibrant colours, personalized using the collector's wallet address as seed, completely generated and stored on-chain, delivered with the metadata URI.

Every CHROMA series follows a novel and unique supply mechanics, transferring minting authority to the hands of the collectors. At the time of minting, tokens can be Built at their definitive state, or as be kept as Source, like a mystery box, to be built later. The catch? A maximum amount of Sources are allowed to exist for new tokens to be minted, empowering Source owners with Supply Control. All the details are explained on each contract page. The CHOMA Manifesto explains all about it.

The quadruplets CHROMA5#38, 39, 40, 41

Available in 5 flavours…

The first collect-code NFT collection sets up the palette for the entire project.

CHROMA can be considered as the first dimension (1D), being colour the most basic code necessary for visual arts, and will be crucial to participate on future project phases. Keep reading to understand how…


Dedicated article: The EUCLID CODE.

Based on The Elements of Euclid, the definitive treaty on Geometry decoded c. 300 BC by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, this collection will unfold collect-code’s universe into two dimensions (2D).

Elements is the oldest extant large-scale deductive treatment of mathematics. It has proven instrumental in the development of logic and modern science, and its logical rigor was not surpassed until the 19th century. — Wikipedia

Elements first English edition's cover, 1570 / Euclid woodcut portrait, 1584 / Pages from the first complete printed edition, Venice, 1482

In 1847, Irish mathematician Oliver Byrne published The First Six Books of The Elements Of Euclid, In Which Coloured Diagrams And Symbols Are Used Instead Of Letters For The Greater Ease Of Learners, transforming the mathematical beauty of Euclid into a work of visual art. This edition serves as the principal inspiration for the collection's artistic style. It is available online, and as a beautiful edition by Taschen.

Pages from the 1847 edition of Elements, by Oliver Byrne

A total of 1870 Tokens are distributed over a Token Map in the shape of the Golden Spiral, another fundamental code of nature. Each minted token is assigned to one random slot of the Token Map.

Golden Spiral token map. See it live.

Each block of the classical Golden Spiral representation (above) correspondent to a number on the Fibonacci Sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …), and a visual trait that can be used on the artwork.

Inner Tokens feature minimalistic artworks, with fewer shapes and effects. Simpler, fewer, rarer

Outer Tokens can generate more complex and chaotic artworks…

The second collect-code NFT collection draws the blueprint.

EUCLID CODE was released July 2022. Still mintable!

Phase 3 and beyond…

The following phases can arrive in many ways and forms. The team and the community still need to determine the order and shape of what's next. Let us know which Phase you like best and help brainstorm the features on our Discord Server.

The next phase will kick out when EUCLID CODE is sold out and all CHROMA CODE collections reach 50%.

The possibilities are…


The natural path for entering the 3rd dimension is with the Platonic Solids.

Geometers have studied the Platonic solids for thousands of years. They are named for the ancient Greek philosopher Plato who hypothesized in one of his dialogues, the Timaeus, that the classical elements were made of these regular solids. — Wikipedia

Plato makes the material fuse with the immaterial. Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and Ether solidify, as the building blocks of everything that is known and what can only be imagined.

The Platonic Solids

The third collect-code generative NFT collection cracks open the code of the universe.

Artwork inspiration from: Study for Stars, M. C. Escher, 1948 / Unknown / Cube Houses, M. C. Escher


For millennia, Art, Science and Magic were one and the same. Every scientific innovation contained a little magical spark. The Fusion Code will bring that spark into the blockchain.

A varying amount of Alchemical Elements (🜂🜃🜁🜄) are concealed inside every collect-code token. Collectors can claim these elements as a new kind of token (ERC1155 or ERC20) and burn them to produce brand new NFTs.

Inspiration from Minecraft, by Mojang

Example Case 1: From your collect-code wallet, choose the Tokens and Elements you want to mix. Take one PLATO, add some 🜃 to twist it’s vertices and some 🜁 to manipulate some traits. Transmute and generate a new PLATO that would never be possible to be occur naturally.

Like crafting in Minecraft!

Example Case 2: Take one CHROMA and one EUCLID, add a 🜂 , transmute and generate a new EUCLID variant with your CHOMA’s palette.

Simple transmutation concept

The Fusion Code brings together all the collect-code collections into a novel NFT experience.


Our own exclusive Metaverse for exploring and interacting collect-code’s Tokens, as a free game for the community.

The entrance ticket to The Codex is one collect-code Token.

The CODEX working proof of concept made on UE5, featuring CHROMA5#00

The Codex features may include…

  • Ancient Greek theme, with a pinch of sci-fi.
  • A puzzling landscape filled with different areas featuring collect-code tokens.
  • Each token dwells on its specific Lairs, but owners can experience them anywhere.
  • Find and tame Aetos Dios, the Eagle of Zeus, to unlock the Bird’s Eye mode, and explore The Codex from above.
  • Single or Multiplayer experience.
  • Stunning visual quality, with day/night cycle, real-time shadows and dynamic global illumination, only achievable with Unreal Engine 5.
  • Available for Desktop and (probably) VR and iOS.
  • Want anything else? Join the community and propose…
Inspiration from: The Acropolis of Athens / Art by Kristopher Debroek / Unknown

The complete feature set and scope will depend only on how well the NFT collections sell. The more tokens are minted, the more time we can spend and collaborators we can call to bring this to life. It can be huge!

Thank You!

That's the Vision so far! This article will be constantly updated with new drops and new developments.

Get involved on Discord.

Updates from Twitter @CollectCoder

Mints are posted on Instagram @CollectCoder

Support development by purchasing CHROMAs or EUCLIDs, mintable now!

Created by Studio Avante.

